Studijní plán: Finance a řízení - kombi, platný od ZS 2015/2016

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Finance and Management - platný od ZS 2016/2017 P 3 7 kr. Z,ZK
Finance a řízení - platný od ZS 2015/2016 P 3 7 kr. Z,ZK
Finance a řízení - platný od ZS 2016/2017 P 3 7 kr. Z,ZK


  • 1. Descriptive statistics, basic statistical terms and its hierarchy, classification
    2. Measuring the level. Statistical computing packages
    3. Measuring the variability and further data set properties
    4. Bases of probability
    5. Random (stochastic) variables and its distributions, statistical tables
    6. Theory of statistical estimation, sampling methods
    7. Basic terms and dependence classification
    8. Least squares method, regression and correlation analysis
    9. Dependence of word characters (association and contingency)
    10. Economic time series, basic facts and simple characteristics
    11. Trend measurement, seasonality measurement. Total and complex indices, decomposition
    12. Time series further issues (adaptive methods, forecasting, dependence measurement)
    13. Testing statistical hypotheses - procedures in testing and possible errors
    14. Selected parametric and nonparametric tests

Doporučená literatura

  • • Minařík, B. Statistika. Elektronická učebnice ve formátu PDF na CD ROM. Brno: Mendelova univerzita, 2013, 265 stran. ISBN 978-807375-721-2
    • Marek, L. a kol. Statistika v příkladech. Praha: Professional Publishing, 2013, 403 stran. ISBN 978-80-7431-118-5
    • HINDLS, R. a kol. Statistika pro ekonomy. 8. vyd. Praha: Professional Publishing, 2007. 415 s. ISBN 978-80-86946-43-6.
    • HRONOVÁ, S.,HINDLS, R., SEGER, J. Statistika pro ekonomy. Praha: Professional Publishing, 2006. 415 s. ISBN 80-86946-16-9.
    • NAVIDI, W. Statistics for engineers and scientists. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006. 869 s. McGraw-Hill international edition. ISBN 0-07-121492-5.
    • ARLT, J. ARLTOVÁ, M. Ekonomické časové řady : [vlastnosti, metody modelování, příklady a aplikace]. 1. vyd. Praha: Grada, 2007. 285 s. ISBN 978-80-247-1319-9.
  • . Adamec, I. Applied statistics – Statistics. Brno: Mendelova Univerzita, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7375-455-6
  • .Wonnacott, T., H., Wonnacott, R., J. Introductory statistics for business and economics. Ontario: John Wiley and sons, 1990. ISBN 978-0-471-61517-0
  • • NAVIDI, W. Statistics for engineers and scientists. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2006. 869 s. McGraw-Hill international edition. ISBN 0-07-121492-5.


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