Software Engineering

Studijní plán: Aplikovaná informatika - kombi, platný od ZS 2024/2025

PředmětSoftware Engineering (SIa)
GarantujeKatedra technických studií (KTS)
GarantIng. Lenka Kuklišová Pavelková, Ph.D.
Počet kreditů5
Prezenční studium
Přednáška2 h
Cvičení2 h
Kombinované studium
Tutoriál / přednáška4 h
Cvičení8 h
Studijní plán Typ Sem. Kred. Ukon.
Aplikovaná informatika - kombi, platný od ZS 2024/2025 P 3 5 kr. Z,ZK
Aplikovaná informatika - platný od ZS 2024/2025 P 3 5 kr. Z,ZK


  • Introduction to software engineering
  • Declaration of intent, project vision  
  • Modelling requirements, requirement catalogue  
  • Model of behaviour, actors, cases of use 
  • Problem domain analysis, data model creation  
  • Service modelling, function model 
  • Integrity limitations and their description 
  • Software system architecture  
  • Design, design classes and patterns
  • Design of interfaces and components
  • Application testing
  • Software development methodologies, model-driven development 
  • Classical methodologies, unified development process and its variants
  • Agile methodologies  

Doporučená literatura

  • Learning materials in LMS Moodle.
  • STEPHENS, R.: Beginning software engineering (2nd ed.), Hoboken: Wiley, ISBN 978-1-119-90170-9, 2023.
  • SOMMERVILLE, I.: Software Engineering (10th ed.), Addison Wesley, Reading, Mass. 2016.


Students will be acquainted with engineering methods of software analysis and design. In particular, emphasis will be placed on software development, the scope of which requires cooperation in a team. These procedures will be discussed not only in theory, but students will also have the opportunity to practise them in exercises. Work on real or fictitious projects will be done in teams and students will verify meaningful use of engineering practices in creating relatively large programs. To implement the projects, students will use, among other things, UML and BPMN modelling language, CASE tools, tools for project management and resource planning, and tools for teamwork.

Knowledge: Software systems analysis and design process. Techniques used in individual phases.

Skills: Mastery of tools used in analysis and design. The student can use the acquired skills in solving specific tasks.

General competences: Software systems analysis and design process. Techniques used in individual phases.

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