
Studijní plán: Aplikovaná informatika - kombi, platný od ZS 2024/2025

PředmětMultimedia (MUa)
GarantujeKatedra technických studií (KTS)
Garantdoc. Ing. Zbyněk Bureš, Ph.D. ( )
Počet kreditů4
Prezenční studium
Přednáška1 h
Cvičení2 h
Kombinované studium
Tutoriál / přednáška3 h
Cvičení6 h
Studijní plán Typ Sem. Kred. Ukon.
Aplikovaná informatika - kombi, platný od ZS 2024/2025 PV 4 4 kr. KZ
Aplikovaná informatika - platný od ZS 2024/2025 PV 4 4 kr. KZ


  • Lossless and lossy compression algorithms 
  • Computer graphics basics (vector and raster graphics, 3D) 
  • Representation of signal in time and frequency domains 
  • Digital image – recording, processing, formats, compression 
  • Digital audio – recording, processing, formats, compression  
  • Digital video – recording, processing, formats, compression 
  • Streaming audio and video 

Doporučená literatura

  • Learning materials in LMS Moodle.
  • GONZALES, Rafael a WOODS, Richard. Digital Image Processing. 4th edition. Pearson India, 2019. ISBN 9789353062989.
  • TEKALP, Murat. Digital Video Processing. 2nd edition. Prentice Hall, 2015. ISBN 0133991008.
  • ZOLZER, Udo. Digital Audio Signal Processing. 3rd edition. Wiley, 2022. ISBN 978-1-119-83267-6.
  • JAHNE, Bernd. Digital Image Processing. 6th edition. Springer Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005. ISBN 978-3-540-27563-3.
  • BOVIK, A. Handbook of Image and Video Processing. 2. vyd. Burligton: Elsevier Academic Press, 2005. 1372 s. ISBN 01-211-9792-1.
  • SINCLAIR, I a kol. Audio Engineering: Know It All. Elsevier Science, 2009. 936 s. ISBN 978-1-85617-526-5.
  • BUREŠ, Z. Multimédia. Sebrané přednášky.
  • BERKA, R. a kol. Multimédia I. Praha: ČVUT, 2010. 178 s. ISBN 978-80-01-05859-6.


The course teaches basic aspects of recording, processing and production of multimedia signals, particularly with respect to web design and multimedia presentations.

Knowledge: Students know principles of recording and processing audio and video signal and graphic objects. They know methods of lossy and lossless data compression, especially related to multimedia signals. 

Skills: Students can use adequate means for obtaining, recording, processing, compressing, and publishing graphics, audio, and video signal. 

General skills: Students are able to elaborate a simple task using methods of scientific work (motivation, hypotheses, methods, results, discussion), they are able to present and defend the result. 

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