Marketing (AJ)

Studijní plán: Cestovní ruch - platný od ZS 2024/2025

PředmětMarketing (AJ) (MGAa)
GarantujeKatedra ekonomických studií (KES)
GarantIng. Marie Slabá, Ph.D.
Počet kreditů4
Prezenční studium
Přednáška2 h
Cvičení2 h
Kombinované studium
Tutoriál / přednáška8 h
Cvičení6 h
Studijní plán Typ Sem. Kred. Ukon.
Cestovní ruch - kombi, platný od ZS 2024/2025 P 2 4 kr. Z,ZK
Cestovní ruch - platný od ZS 2024/2025 P 2 4 kr. Z,ZK


  • Introduction to marketing, history of marketing
  • Marketing management, analysis of marketing environment
  • Process STP
  • Marketing mix – product
  • Marketing mix – price
  • Marketing mix – place
  • Marketing mix – marketing communication and promotion
  • Marketing research
  • Consumer´s behaviour
  • Marketing of the services and non-profit sector
  • Marketing applications
  • International marketing
  • Adaptation and standardisation of marketing mix for international markets
  • Selected problems modern marketing

Doporučená literatura

  • Student support in LMS Moodle (2023).
  • Kotler, P., Kartajaya, H., Setiawan, I. (2021). Marketing 5.0 : technology for humanity. Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons.
  • Kotler, P., Keller, K., L. (2015). Marketing management. 15th edition. Harlow : Pearson.
  • Maclaran, P. a Chatzidakis, A. (2023). Gendered Marketing. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • CHaffey, D. a Ellis-Chadwick. F. (2019). Digital marketing. New York : Pearson.
  • Kotler, P., Armstrong, G. (2014). Principles of marketing. 15th global ed. Harlow : Pearson.
  • Cateora, P.R. et al. (2011). International marketing. 15th edition. New York : McGraw-Hill/Irwin.


The course aims to familiarize students with basic knowledge of modern marketing, elements of marketing, basic tools of marketing mix, marketing management, marketing research, consumer’s behaviour and basis of the promotion. The lectures are focused on the interpretation of basic terms (marketing mix, marketing research, segmentation, consumer’s behaviour, etc.). Seminars are dedicated to practice of individual topics on specific practical examples.

Knowledge: Student is able to define basis of marketing and the essence of marketing, segment markets, perform simple marketing research. The student is able to apply basic principles of marketing management and marketing and promotional tools.

Skills: Student is able to construct a graph of the product life cycle. The student is able to analyse and apply the elements of marketing and promotion. Student is able to segment the market. The student is able to prepare a basic methodology of marketing research and a questionnaire.

General competencies: Student is able to work in a team as well as to work and to make decisions on his/her own. The student is able to coordinate his/her activities with other team members, to be responsible for the outcome of his/her work, to create and interpret his/her opinion in a clear and convincing way, to present the results of his/her work.

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