Anglický jazyk 1/FR-u3
Studijní plán: Finance a řízení - platný od ZS 2015/2016
Předmět | Anglický jazyk 1/FR-u3 (ANJ1-1) |
Garantuje | Katedra ekonomických studií (KES) |
Garant | |
Jazyk | česky |
Počet kreditů | 3 |
Prezenční studium |
Cvičení | 3 h |
Kombinované studium |
Tutoriál / přednáška | 1 h |
- Marketing
- Company and Marketing Strategy
- Analyzing the Market Environment
- Managing Marketing Information
- Consumer Market and Consumer Buyer Behavior
- Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior
- Product
- Pricing
- Marketing Channels; Retailing and Wholesaling
- Promotion
- The Global Marketplace and Comparative Advantage
- Sustainable Marketing
Doporučená literatura
- KOTLER, Philip; ARMSTRONG, Gary. Principles of Marketing. 13th edition. New Jersey : Pearson Prentice Hall, 2010.
- FIALOVÁ, Helena; FIALA, Jan. Malý ekonomický slovník. Praha : A plus, 2006. 294 s. ISBN 809025148X.
- BAKALÁŘOVÁ, Natálie. Anglická gramatika. Praha : ARSCI, 2003. 294 s. ISBN 8086078337.
- MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge : CUP, 2004. 379 s. ISBN 0521532892.
- PETERS, Sarah, GRÁF, Tomáš. Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky. Praha : Polyglot, 1998. 437 s. ISBN 8086195007.
The aim of the language course is to master the professional language and to deepen general languge skills. The graduate of the College of Polytechnics Jihlava should be able to read professional economic texts without any difficulties, to understand lectures in the English language and to discuss general economic topics.
This language course consists of the four levels u1, u2, u3 and u4 which are attended in the first four terms according to the recommended study plan. To pass the levels u1, u2, u3 the student has to gain a credit. To pass the level u4 the student has to gain a credit and to pass an oral examination. The oral examination covers all the topics of the whole course. The student does not have to follow the recommended succession of the levels, but the level u4 is always finished with an oral examination. This aspect should be taken into account when choosing the order of the levels.
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