Fundamentals of Design
Studijní plán: Aplikovaná technika pro průmyslovou praxi - platný od ZS 2019/2020
Předmět | Fundamentals of Design (FOD-ATP-1) |
Garantuje | Katedra technických studií (KTS) |
Garant | Ing. Bc. Karel Dvořák, Ph.D. |
Jazyk | anglicky |
Počet kreditů | 3 |
Ekvivalent | |
Prezenční studium |
Cvičení | 2 h |
Kombinované studium |
Tutoriál / přednáška | 4 h |
Cvičení | 6 h |
- Initiation of a design project initial study, strategy of solving the design assignment.
- Technological and information base for the design task solution, connection with the strategy of the solution.
- Physical, mechanical and chemical properties of technical materials in the context of design solution.
- Functional and technological dimensions, dimensioning in the drawing documentation.
- Dimensional and geometric tolerances, methods of determining and writing in drawing documentation.
- Machinery assemblies assembly structure in terms of design and assembly. Bill of Materials list of items.
- Tolerance analysis of the component and assembly dimensional chain.
- Design of components in the context of available production technologies.
- A virtual prototype a 3D model of the design solution to verify functional parameters.
- CAE computer support of calculations and simulations to verify functional properties of the virtual prototype.
- Strength calculation on a CAD model material properties defining, FEM mesh, loading, storing boundary conditions.
- Interpretation of the results of calculations and simulations, final calcualtion report as part of technical documentation.
- A virtual prototype optimization based on calculation results and simulations, changes in documentation.
- Documentation of the design task technical solution CAD / CAE data, PLM phases.
Doporučená literatura
- Budynas RG., Nisbett JK., Shigley JE.: - Shigley's mechanical engineering design. Tenth edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education, 2015
- Goncharov P., Artmonov I., Khalitov T.: - Engineering Analysis With NX Advanced Simulation. 1. Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software, 2014
- Svoboda P., Brandejs J.: - Výběry z norem pro konstrukční cvičení. 5. vyd. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2013, 234 s.
- Milton A., Rodgers P.: - Research Methods for Product Design. 2. Laurence King, 2013
- Svoboda P., Brandejs J., Dvořáček J.: - Základy konstruování. Vyd. 6. Brno: Akademické nakladatelství CERM, 2016, 230 s
The goal of the course is to gain knowledge and skills of designing an assembly unit specified in a parametrical way the synthetic approach. The course includes proposing variants of solution of the assigned task, function nodes design, proposing a design solution with a geometric accuracy analysis (design drawing, component drawings, assembly drawing, technical report). The student get acquainted with the design of module technical system with the use of standard components. The course is fully supported with 3D construction software. Real products are designed and confronted with existing professional solutions. The system of teamwork in small student groups is implemented. The course has the character of a design project.
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