Elasticity and strength of materials I
Studijní plán: Erasmus - Aplikovaná informatika - příjezd na krátkodobý studijní pobyt
Předmět | Elasticity and strength of materials I (ESM1) |
Garantuje | Katedra technických studií (KTS) |
Garant | doc. Ing. Zdeněk Horák, Ph.D. ( zdenek.horak@vspj.cz ) |
Jazyk | anglicky |
Počet kreditů | 3 |
Prezenční studium |
Přednáška | 2 h |
Cvičení | 2 h |
- Basic concepts of elasticity.
- Uniaxial tension.
- Strain energy.
- Basics of plane and three-dimensional stress analysis. Plane stress and plane strain tasks.
- Limit states - strength conditions
- Torsion of rods of circular cross-sections
- Geometric characteristics of cross-sections
- Bending of statically determined and indeterminate beams
- Combined stress state
- Buckling of straight elements
Doporučená literatura
- Okrouhlík, M.: Mechanika tuhých těles s Matlabem, Vysoká škola polytechnická Jihlava, 2020, ISBN 978-80-88064-51-0.
The aim of the subject Elasticity and strength of materials 1 is to equip students with knowledge and methodology for determining tension and deformation of bodies and systems. The basic physical relationship between tension and deformation of flexible bodies will be explained for different dimensions of tasks (1D, 2D, 3D). Acquisition of basic knowledge for assessing selected limit states. In the exercises, students will become familiar with the practical solution of basic calculations of the simplest bodies, which will be supplemented with the basic knowledge necessary for the strength design of real machine components.
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