Banking Services for Travelling and Tourism

Studijní plán:

PředmětBanking Services for Travelling and Tourism (BST-1)
GarantujeKatedra ekonomických studií (KES)
GarantIng. Petr Jiříček, Ph.D. ( )
Počet kreditů2
Prezenční studium
Cvičení2 h
Kombinované studium
DotacePředmět je v kombinované formě studia vyučován formou konzultací.
Studijní plán Typ Sem. Kred. Ukon.
V 2 kr. ZA


  • 1. Interest, annuity and perpetuity
    2. Banking system
    3. Money Exchange
    4. Payment commerce
    5. Letter of credit, bills
    6. Bank loans
    7. Bank financial services – guarantees, leases, factoring, forfeiting
    8. Economic and Monetary Union EU
    9. European banks

Doporučená literatura

  • Compulsory:
    • Mejstřík M., Pečená M., Teplý P. Basic Principles of Banking. 1st edition, Praha : Management Press 2005, ISBN 80-7261-132-1
    • Jiříček P., Dostálová Z. Banking Services for Travelling and Tourism, 1st edition, Jihlava: VŠPJ, 2012, (teaching materials of College of Polytechnics Jihlava)
  • Recommended: • Kidwell D., Blackwell D., Whidbee D., Sias R. Financial Institutions, Markets and Money, 11th edition, Hoboken: Wiley, 2012, ISBN 978-047-056108-9 • Mbuya J.CH. Evolution of Money, 1st edition, Saarbrűcken: PAP Lambert Academic Publishing 2010, ISBN 978-3-8383-7870 • WWW:


The goal of teaching the subject is providing students with knowledge from the field of monetary economics, commercial and international banking and financial markets and explaining functioning of these fields in market economy in relation to specific needs of tourism industry. In particular, students will learn about the issues of exchange rates, interest rates, domestic and international payments and its institutions and instruments and about the offer of bank products for the needs of subjects in the branch of tourism.


Knowledge: The student can describe products of banking sector (credit, deposit, payment, warranty ones etc.) for the needs and specifics of tourism industry. They can explain working of exchange rates and basic operations in the area of money exchange and trades with currencies. They obtain knowledge of the most important world currencies and all European ones. They can differentiate individual types of banks and have basic knowledge of banking sectors in most important European countries from the perspective of tourism.  


Skills: Students can choose from products offered by commercial banks and can practically use them for a company’s purposes in tourism industry, especially in the area of domestic and international payments. They can recognize individual European and most important world currencies and their protective elements. They are able to find out the exchange rate of the needed currency in the ratio to the basic currency, to fill in a cheque or a bill of exchange and a payment order both in the home country and abroad, and to evaluate products connected with payment cards. They can recognize advantages and disadvantages of various interest rates.


General capabilities: Students are able to apply knowledge from the subject in making particular financial deals (credits, monetary deals, deposits, payment contacts) for an employer form tourism industry or in their own business activity, to differentiate advantages and risks of financial deals. They are generally knowledgeable in broader context in relation of finance and economic phenomena and the situation in the Economic and Monetary Union of the EU.

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