Project Management II

Studijní plán: Aplikovaná technika pro průmyslovou praxi - platný od ZS 2019/2020

PředmětProject Management II (PM2-1)
GarantujeKatedra ekonomických studií (KES)
GarantIng. Martina Kuncová, Ph.D. ( )
Počet kreditů5
Prezenční studium
Přednáška2 h
Cvičení2 h
Kombinované studium
Tutoriál / přednáška8 h
Cvičení8 h
Studijní plán Typ Sem. Kred. Ukon.
Aplikovaná technika pro průmyslovou praxi - kombi, platný od ZS 2018/2019 P 5 5 kr. Z,ZK
Aplikovaná technika pro průmyslovou praxi - kombi, platný od ZS 2020/2021 P 5 5 kr. Z,ZK
Aplikovaná technika pro průmyslovou praxi - platný od ZS 2019/2020 P 5 5 kr. Z,ZK
Aplikovaná technika pro průmyslovou praxi - platný od ZS 2020/2021 P 5 5 kr. Z,ZK
Aplikované strojírenství - kombi, platný od ZS 2020/2021 P 5 5 kr. Z,ZK
Aplikované strojírenství - platný od ZS 2020/2021 P 5 5 kr. Z,ZK


Doporučená literatura

  • Svozilová A.: - Projektový management. Praha: Grada Publishing a.s., 2006
  • Černý M., Janoušková E., Novotný J., Plosová H.: - Studie proveditelnosti, finanční analýza a finanční kontrola projektů. Praha: ÚZEI 2009. 128 s.
  • Novotný J.: - Finanční řízení projektu, matice logického rámce, monitorování projektu. VŠPJ, Jihlava 2007.


The goal of the course is a deeper insight into the methodology of project management and familiarizing with the economic extension of managing projects itself. Lectures extend the view of project management methodology; they clarify the function and structure of feasibility study and familiarize students with financial management and evaluating projects including specifics of public and non-profit-making projects. Seminars are oriented at application and development of practical skills necessary for financial planning and project evaluation and students also learn to work in the MS Project environment.


Knowledge: The student can explain in detail the processes of project management including their relationships. The student can explain the nature and function of the feasibility study, project financial evaluation procedure, and specifics of public and non-profit projects.


Skills: The student can compile a feasibility study even for a moderately complex project; they can evaluate quantitatively the risks of a project and calculate basic criterial indices. Next, they can process cost-benefit analysis of a simple non-profit project. The student can use the MS Project software for project planning and management.


Competencies: The student can coordinate activities within a relatively small team and present their work results in public.


Course contents:

  • Project cycle – revision

  • Project implementation

  • Project control and monitoring

  • Closing the project

  • Risk and project quality management

  • Feasibility study

  • Financial efficiency of projects

  • Cost-benefit analysis

  • Specifics of projects financed from public sources

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